In Solidarity with Russian Anarchists & Anti-Fascists

In solidarity with the tortured and imprisoned anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia, these images were wheatpasted on the beerline trail near Capital Drive in the Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee.

On February 10, in Penza, a town 630 kilometers from Moscow, the court passed sentence on seven people accused of organizing the so-called “anarchist terrorist community ‘Network.’” The entire case is based on confessions the defendants were forced to agree to via intense torture as well as weapons planted by police and an extremely tenuous accusation that they were “planning to plan terrorist actions to overthrow the government of Russia.” Considering that we are talking about a “crime” without victims that involved no action and no plan, the sentences decreed by the court are shockingly draconian. Dmitry Pchelintsev and Ilya Shakursky, the supposed organizers of this fabricated “Network,” were sentenced to 18 years and 16 years in prison, respectively. The others have been sentenced as follows: Arman Sagynbaev 6 years, Andrei Chernov 14 years, Vasily Kuksov 9 years, Mikhail Kulkov 10 years, and Maxim Ivankin 13 years of imprisonment.

This is an excerpt from the CrimethInc call to action, from which you can read more here.

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