Spotted this banner on a bridge over Burleigh.
“Abolition Can’t Wait: Defund Police!”
Spotted this banner on a bridge over Burleigh.
“Abolition Can’t Wait: Defund Police!”
The following information and photo was sent to us anonymously:
This stupid billboard used to say “Answering the toughest call” & “Bravery! Pass it on.” Being a cop legally entitles a person to murder if they simply site feeling afraid. It is the perfect job for a coward.
This video and description was sent to us from the folks at AbolishMKE.
Oshkosh CI has had over 1,000 positive COVID19 test results, this is the second highest in the DOC system. Between March and December 1 of 2020, ten people at OSCI died.
The DOC has reported 23 deaths from COVID19 across the system, more than that have very likely died.
There are 1,494 people currently held in OSCI risking their lives daily. Mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living!!
Date taken: 12/31/2020 Location: Oshkosh WI.
Someone’s been hitting up the East Side with stencils and spray paint!
Put Down The Bourgeouisie
Trans Folks For Black Liberation
Convict, Defund, Abolish The Police
Hey all, haven’t been posting for a minute been busy with life and things…
In remembrance of George Floyd, who’s life was stolen by Minneapolis PD, some anarchists painted the town with his name. George’s death has sparked riots in the streets of Minneapolis and we stand by our comrades who are taking to the streets.
The 3rd precinct police station has been destroyed, and a number of stores on the strip have been looted and burned.
If support of all the people in the streets fighting the state, if you are unable to be present for whatever reason, please donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund here.
We received these photos this morning.
Time to realize that there’s no one here for us, but us.
(photo credit instagram account @roar_ara)
(photo credit instagram account @roar_ara)
(photo credit instagram account @unicorn.riot)
To everyone in the streets in MPLS:
Stay strong and be safe,
With Love and Solidarity,
Riot MKE