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This last year of the pandemic has been hard on all of us, but for the 3,800+ Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) who have been victimized, it could have been better. The multitude of race-based bigotry that has gone relatively unnoticed by the media, and therefore the public, has predominately targeted women and has even prompted the formation of defense patrols in some of the more heavily targeted US cities. Here in Milwaukee, we saw just one very PC, very faith-based, rally in support of AAPI communities – sadly, the pigs were even invited to speak. We chose to remind the public that the anti-AAPI hate must stop, that we DO have a right to exist here, and that defense of AAPI lives is a duty we ALL must take part in. Around the city, pedestrians and hop-riders will see colorful posters, provided by JustSeeds that remind Milwaukeeans that THIS IS OUR HOME TOO.