Hey all, haven’t been posting for a minute been busy with life and things…
Tag Archives: burn the prisons
MSDF Car Parade: Downtown, Milwaukee
On April 9th, FFUP organized a second car bloc noise demo outside the Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility, to take place from 1:30PM to 3:00PM. This noise demo took place during shift change for the guards who work at MSDF, which is at 2PM. Wisconsin has one of the highest rates of incarceration in the country, […]
In Solidarity with Russian Anarchists & Anti-Fascists
In solidarity with the tortured and imprisoned anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia, these images were wheatpasted on the beerline trail near Capital Drive in the Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee. On February 10, in Penza, a town 630 kilometers from Moscow, the court passed sentence on seven people accused of organizing the so-called “anarchist terrorist community […]
Free Chrystul in Harambee
“Free Chrystul” on a wall in Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee. Chrystul Kizer is a survivor of human trafficking, she was a minor when she was trafficked by a 33 year old white man in Kenosha. 5 months before she defended herself against her rapist, killing him, the police arrested him and then let him go […]